Antique Carpets and Rugs Cleaning


The price listed above is for the site visit and quotation only. Payment is required only upon acceptance of the quote by the customer.

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Our Cleaning Process for Antiques
  1. Initial Assessment:
    We’ll start by carefully examining your carpets and rugs to assess their condition, noting any areas of concern such as stains, discoloration, or damage.
  2. Preparation:
    Before cleaning begins, we’ll gently remove any loose dirt and debris by carefully vacuuming the surface with a soft brush attachment, ensuring not to damage the delicate fibers.
  3. Surface Cleaning:
    Next, we’ll lay the carpets or rugs flat on a clean, dry surface and use a soft-bristled brush or broom to gently brush the surface, loosening and removing surface dirt and dust.
  4. Spot Treatment:
    Any stains or spots will receive special attention. We’ll address them carefully, starting with blotting liquid spills and gently scraping off solid stains. Then, we’ll apply a mild cleaning solution to treat the affected areas, ensuring to test it first for colorfastness and effectiveness.
  5. Deep Cleaning:
    For a more thorough clean, we offer professional deep cleaning services designed specifically for delicate antique textiles. Our specialized methods ensure a thorough cleanse without risking damage to the fibers.
  6. Drying:
    After cleaning, we’ll rinse the carpets thoroughly to remove any cleaning solution residue. Then, we’ll carefully blot excess water and allow the carpets to air dry completely in a controlled environment, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
  7. Finishing Touches:
    Once dry, we’ll gently brush or comb the pile to restore its natural texture and appearance, ensuring your carpets and rugs look their best.
    Any loose fibers or fringes will be trimmed with precision, and we’ll provide guidance on proper storage to maintain their condition over time.
    Our goal is to ensure your antique carpets and rugs receive the meticulous care they deserve, preserving their beauty and value for years to come. If you have any questions or concerns throughout the process, please don’t hesitate to let us know. Your satisfaction is our priority.

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Antique Carpet, Antique Rug

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